Keeping in view the importance of biotechnology in modern era, several Government Funding Agencies offer various types of research grants and fellowships through soft loans or equity, to conduct research in various field of biotechnology and commercialize indigenous biotechnologies. Various institutes such as Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), University Grants Commission (UGC) are actively involved in the field.
Under the aegis of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, are three major departments:
• Department of Science & Technology (DST)
• Department of Biotechnology (DBT)
• Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR)
TDB - Technology Development Board
The TDB, created in 1996, aims to manage and fund Technology Development and Application. It invests in equity capital and also gives soft loans to industrial concerns, cooperatives and other agencies, which are involved in the development and commercial application of indigenous technology, or adapting imported technology to wider domestic applications having common good as the cause.
TIFAC - Technology Information Forecasting & Assessment Council
TIFAC is an autonomous organization under the DST. It aims to keep a technology watch on global trends, formulate preferred technology options for India and promote key technologies.
HGT - Home Grown Technologies
Falling under the ambit of TIFAC , the Home-Grown Technology Programme aims to give financial., techno-managerial and patent related support to deserving technology development projects for pilot operations or/and significant improvement to existing processes and operations.
PATSER - Program aimed at Technological Self Reliance
The aim of PATSER is supporting industry for technology absorption, development and demonstration. It also helps builds indigenous capabilities for development and commercialization of contemporary products and processes of high impact.
TePP - Technopreneur Promotion Program The program jointly operated by DSIR and DST has the objective of tapping the vast existing innovative potentials of Indian entrepreneurs, to assist individual innovators to become technology based entrepreneurs and to assist in networking and forging links for the commercialization of their developments.
RDI - Research & Development by Industry The RDI main area of focus is the recognition of in-house R&D units in industries, recognition of Scientific & Industrial Research Organizations and giving fiscal incentives for Scientific Research.
SEETOT - Scheme to Enhance the Efficacy of Transfer of Technology.
SEETOT gives support to Technology Acquisition and Management.
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